Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Beginnings

Happy New Year! Sorry I've been gone for such a long time, but I got slammed with paper grading, scholarly writing (I'm past deadline on one project and I'm scrambling to meet another one), and general holiday merriment. I apologize to loyal readers Kat and Nathan for not updating more regularly.

But it's that time of year when we all see the error of our ways and vow to turn over a new leaf. One of my resolutions is to blog more frequently and consistently this year. I know that if I don't, Kat and Nathan will have their virtual elbows ready to give me a sharp nudge.

I'm also making a list of books I've been meaning to read for a long time. I'm glad that the Gryffindors will be reading Protector of the Small in March because I'll finally get around to reading some Tamora Pierce. People have been telling me for two years I need to read her, so I'm looking forward to finding out why!

What's on your list? What books have you been promising you'll get around to reading? This is the year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Protector of the Small?! humf...that was one of my LEAST favorite of her series'! lol :P...Alahna was better :D...ah well...

i love giving "sharp nudges" :P

I'm not exactly sure what i'm wanting to read...i'd like to finished the hitchhiker's guide books...The Good Earth, finish the Dresden Files...Withering Hights, Alice in Wonderland, more Edgar Alan Poe, Carpe Jugulum...IDK! there are just so many on the list! it's ridiculous!

thanx for the update!